- Quantidade: 1
- Dimensões: 150mm x 16mm x 4mm
- Sem embalagem
- Ideal para reparar, criar e modificar vários itens
- Bioplástico compostável (industrialmente) de acordo com a norma Europeia EN14995
- Não-tóxico
- Poupança de dinheiro – quando reparamos um item, economizamos dinheiro pois não temos de comprar um novo. Adicionalmente, o próprio FixIts é Reutilizável inúmeras vezes (basta reaquecer e moldar novamente à forma desejada ou utilizando um secador e moldar novamente à forma desejada).
- Processo muito rápido – é a solução mais rápida que existe, alterando os estados de sólido para moldável e de volta para sólido em cerca de 5 minutos, permite reparar, criar e modificar itens da nossa casa em poucos minutos.
- Sem data de validade
- Fabricado no Reino Unido
Como utilizar:
Reutilizável inúmeras vezes (basta reaquecer e moldar novamente à forma desejada ou utilizando um secador e moldar novamente à forma desejada).
Materiais: Bioplástico compostável (industrialmente) de acordo com a norma Europeia EN14995
Não-tóxico – não apresenta nenhum componente tóxico. Como tal, não deixa nenhum cheiro ou resíduo quando manuseamos o material. Quando aquecido em água quente, não liberta qualquer substância tóxica prejudicial para nós e para o ambiente.
Sem embalagem
FAQs respondidas diretamente pela marca:
Is FixIts a glue? FixIts is not a glue, it is a reusable bioplastic! FixIts will not bond to smooth materials such as glass, but it does bond really well to some materials such as fabric. It does this by wrapping around the small fibres whilst softened and once hardened FixIts will have bonded! It also forms a strong but non permanent bond to a few plastics (like a really strong grip) so we always suggest trying fixits on a small sample first.
How do I dispose of FixIts? Before disposal we recommend reheating and reusing FixIts on another project. If you do decide that it’s time that FixIts was decomposed, first remove as much as you can from the existing application by reheating. Then place in your garden waste collection bin where your waste services will take it to an industrial composting site to compost.
Can FixIts only be heated by water? No, you can also heat up FixIts using hot air from a hair dryer for example. We usually use kettle boiled water to heat FixIts and then do more detailed work with a hairdryer when trying to use small amounts of FixIts or use it in thin pieces.
Where are FixIts made? We manufacture and pack FixIts in the UK. We’re currently transitioning all our packaging to paper products sourced from within the UK too. Nota: na nossa loja só vendemos sem embalagens.
Is FixIts Electrically insulating? Yes, FixIts is an insulator of electricity. It has a poor electrical conductivity with a value of 3.76 x 10-7 ohms-1 cm-1. We don’t recommend using FixIts on electrical cables above 24 volts, so stick to small consumer electronics. Please don’t use FixIts in any scenario with electricity where the temperature will cause FixIts to soften again exposing live wires.
What is the shelf life of FixIts? FixIts doesn’t have a shelf life. It’ll always be ready for you to fix with. It’s endlessly reusable so use as much as you want and save the rest for later, or reheat existing uses and turn them into something new whenever you want
Can you mix colours together? FixIts colours can be mixed together when in their softened states. You can partially mix them and create a nice marbled pattern (this is particularly nice with black and white) or you can keep mixing them until you create a new colour. If you want to give FixIts a specific colour you can always paint on it using acrylic paints.
How big is each FixIts stick? Each FixIts stick is 150mm x 16mm x 4mm and weighs approximately 10 grams, one FixIts stick goes a long way!